Beautiful relaxing music for stress relief. This meditation track can be used to relax, sleep, meditate, study, work, do yoga, read, and more. Due to a modern lifestyle, many of us don't produce enough of these delta brainwaves naturally. Consequently, our body and mind have difficulties receiving the rest that it needs, which manifests into many problems such as chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, and more. This music induces delta brainwaves. Delta waves are the slowest of all and are defined as having a pulse modulation frequency range between 0-4 Hz. We experience these brainwaves naturally when we are in the deepest of sleep or meditative states. These brainwaves send signals throughout the body to stimulate recovery and healthy neurochemistry and as a result, are vital in the maintenance of health and psychological well-being.
This music may be used to sleep, relax, meditate, study, read, or massage. This music is perfect to reduce anxiety, stress, or insomnia since it facilitates relaxation.
This meditation music is based upon the theory of neural entrainment. This is the theory that our brains have a tendency to synchronize themselves to external stimulation, which could include auditory, visual, tactile, or electromagnetic stimuli. The average human brain contains approximately 80+ billion neurons that communicate to form our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. When our neurons communicate in mass, it produces a synchronized electrical pulse known as a brainwave. With the use of neural entrainment, our brainwaves can align with these auditory stimuli. As a result, we can stimulate our neurons and brains in ways that could positively affect our psychology and physiology. More information and sources here: https://www.anthonysommer.com/information
Please take the time to properly adjust your volume to a low and comfortable level. For optimal results, you should listen to this while resting with your eyes closed. Headphones are recommended but not required.
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