I'm Grift....err....hosting FlashCast today since @YellowFlash 2 can't make it. Click on anyone's channel in this description and GO SUB TO THEIR STUFF.
We got all kinds of people joining at various times:
@Migtown Podcast
@1/4 Black Garrett
@Raging Golden Eagle
Doll House Phil (Youtube is RACIST and hates his website www.the-doll-house DOT com)
@Ranting Monkey
@Hero Hei
@Lofti Pixels
At some point we'll probably get raided by flash and @Cecil Says - is adult only content and @That Star Wars Girl (oh, you should totally buy her calendar, you weirdos: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/that-star-wars-girl-2022-cosplay-calendar#/)
Most important of all. FOLLOW ME ON LOCALS, YOU FREAKING HEATHENS: https://rekietalaw.locals.com