So Matchmaking was a system that was meant to be added a fair while ago now. It was first thought of way back in the Spring of 2020 as a creative solution to a problem that the Roblox game, Tower Defense Simulator, was suffering at the time. But what has changed since the first concepts were thought by BelowNatural, Razuatix and the rest of the Tower Defense Simulator development team?
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~||Background music is from Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/38epus/||~
~||What is Tower Defense Simulator?||~
Tower Defense Simulator is a Roblox game made by Paradoxum Games created on the 5th of June 2019 and officially released on the 15th of June 2019. It involves players teaming up with one another to fighting waves of different enemies until they either are overrun or triumph that particular map. Players gain cash by damaging enemies and from wave bonuses, which can subsequently be invested in buying new towers or upgrading existing ones. There is also a Versus mode where other players can team up to face down another team. In this instance, players can send enemies. Once players are defeated or triumph, they gain EXP, which is used to level up, and Coins, which can be used to purchase new towers.
You can play Tower Defense Simulator here: https://www.roblox.com/games/3260590327/Tower-Defense-Simulator