Dan Jones Bedtime Stories for Grown Ups - A Quiet Place, is a sleep story about Meg and her dog Milton and was created with ideas suggested by one of Dan Jones Patrons.
This bedtime story for grown ups is about a woman named Meg who lives in a cabin on a farm. Meg sits by the fire reading a good book. Every day, she heads out with her sheep dog Milton to move the sheep from one field to the next. She enjoys the changes of the seasons. One day, Meg notices someone sat on the fence of one of the fields. It is a wizard. The wizard asks Meg for help saying that because she is deaf, she can do what the wizard can't, she can go to the temple and turn off the device which is causing the desert to spread into this realm. Meg heads through a portal to find a temple, to stop the planet turning to desert. While drifting asleep in the temple, Meg dreams of an adventure with Milton through mountains and a mountain river. During the dream, Meg has a healing experience and insights. Meg heads deep into the temple and turns off the switch. She then quickly heads back to the portal, through the portal and back to the woodland to the wizard and Milton. Meg invites the wizard back to her cabin for a cup of tea. They engage in conversation for a while, then the wizard leaves and Meg heads to bed, sleeping soundly with Milton sleeping at the end of the bed.
All of my healing hypnotic sleep stories for grownups use therapeutic storytelling to help you fall asleep while reducing stress, worry and anxiety. If you want to learn about what makes my sleep stories therapeutic and what I am doing you can find out in this video here: https://youtu.be/sd2q_GZlTHQ
Subscribe to my Slumberland Patreon, if you would like to support the continuing creation of regular bedtime stories for grown ups & other similar content, find me on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/slumberlanddan
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Dan Jones Hypnosis YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/danjoneshypnosis
Dan Jones Sleep Stories Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/528405851039572/
Dan Jones Sleep Stories Books: https://danjoneshypnosis.com/storytelling-books/
Dan Jones Neurodiversity Magazine: https://danjoneshypnosis.com/neurodiversity-magazine/
Dan Jones eCourses (Hypnotherapy, Autism, Parenting, Meditation, Therapeutic Storytelling, Mental Health): https://danjoneshypnosis.com/ecourses/
Dan Jones Autism Books: https://danjoneshypnosis.com/autism-books/
Dan Jones Hypnotherapy Books: https://danjoneshypnosis.com/hypnotherapy-books/
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