The companion webpage for this video on MGNV.org has additional resources and links:
0:00:00 Introduction & Overview
0:04:03 Caring for Trees in the Urban Forest
0:42:12 Questions
0:43:43 Siting & Selecting Native Trees
1:11:29 Questions
1:21:31 Planting a Tree 101
1:25:52 Advice on Transplanting a Tree
1:37:35 Resources
1:38:53 Questions
A significant proportion of our area’s urban tree canopy depends upon the efforts of thousands of residents to care for mature trees and plant new ones on privately held properties from single family homes, to townhouses, to apartment complex shared greenspaces. Extension Master Gardeners Amy Crumpton and Alicia Martini discuss best practices for caring for trees. Amy describes how to assess your site’s conditions for new tree plantings and how to select from the many native tree species that thrive in our area. Alicia, Coordinator for the Small Trees Make Big Canopies program, describes the program and shares her expertise on how to transplant found tree seedlings.