Please follow along on my IGTV series where I give mini Tarot & Oracle Messages on Instagram for the collective. @ elpis.enlightenment and I also give updates on my channel. #tarotoftheweek #elpisenlightenment
Love to hear all feedback from my viewers!
Ya'll know this is for entertainment purposes and never to be used as your life source. Tarot is meant to be used as a tool for guidance as we all know we have free will. Embrace that, love, and light and nothing can steer you wrong!
Please feel free to reach out : elpistarot@gmail.com
I only advise personal readings and communicate through my email so if someone else reaches out to you in any other way , it's most likely not me.
If you would like to donate to my channel; we not only appreciate it, we also donate to some of my favorite non profit organizations like St. Jude's and Rescue missions such as Global Child Hunger Crisis ~ Big Thank You and Blessings!
Elpis Enlightenment Channel:
For non profit orgs: