Termites are sometimes called "white ants".

Termites are sometimes called "white ants".

Termites are sometimes called "white ants" but the only resemblance to the ants is due to their sociality which is due to convergent evolution with termites being the first social insects to evolve a caste system more than 100 million years ago.There are red, black, and brown ants, but is there such a thing as a white ant? Ants, in general, are an essential asset to the environment by contributing to natural processes such as decomposition, soil aeration, and pest control. Ants can be pests in their own right but are sometimes blamed for the escapades of other insects and the damage they cause.

If you are having a problem with what seems to be white ants, you may be surprised to learn that white ants don’t exist. The white ant name and description are misconceptions that are used to identify termites. Termites are sometimes referred to as white ants, further compounding their misidentification. Learning all about termites and how they can affect your house will help you to protect your family and home.


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