Tie-dye pattern : Hot Water Irrigation (HWI) Halloween Spiral

Tie-dye pattern : Hot Water Irrigation (HWI) Halloween Spiral

Today I am demonstrating how to tie-dye a Halloween Spiral pattern on a t-shirt using the Hot Water Irrigation (HWI) tie-dye method. This is a step by step tie-dye tutorial video where I cover the entire process beginning with the spiraling and rubber banding of the shirt. After that I apply the procion dye powder directly on top of the shirt and move on over to the sink to apply the hot water. For proper hot water application I first use a spray bottle for a light mist to help saturate the dye without it blowing all over, and after that I use my garden pump sprayer that has been filled with water that has been heated to 175 degrees for proper saturation. For the final steps I let the shirt sit 10-15 minutes, give it a good rinse, and jump right on into the reveal our new tie-dye Halloween spiral t-shirt. I hope you enjoy and as always...Happy Tie Dyeing!

***Before working with procion dyes or any kind of fiber reactive dye please make sure to pay special attention to all labels including directions, warnings, and first aid instructions***. I highly recommend gloves, eye protection, and a respirator or dust mask per these instructions.

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Garden Pump Sprayer for H.W.I Tie-Dye
https://geni.us/gardenpumpsprayer (Amazon)

Artificial Deer Sinew
https://geni.us/Sinew (Amazon)

Kite String
https://geni.us/kitestring (Amazon)

Tulip Rubber Bands
https://geni.us/tuliprubberbands (Amazon)

Gloves for Tie Dye
https://geni.us/tiedyegloves (Amazon)

Blank Tapestry (100% Cotton)
https://geni.us/blanktapestry (Amazon)

Gildan 100% Cotton T-Shirts (6 pack)
https://geni.us/cottonshirts (Amazon)

T-Shirts to Tie-Dye (Amazon)

Tulip Tie Dye Kits
https://geni.us/tiedyekit (Amazon)

Hemostats (2pc)
https://geni.us/hemostats (Amazon)

Hemostats (10pc) (5pc regular & 5pc curved)
https://geni.us/hemostats10 (Amazon)

Washable Markers (Planning Design Tool for Tie Dye)
https://geni.us/washablemarkers (Amazon)

Urea (5lb Bag)
https://geni.us/Urea (Amazon)

Soda Ash
https://geni.us/sodaash (Amazon)

https://geni.us/synthrapol (Amazon)

Sodium Alginate
https://geni.us/sodiumalginate (Amazon)

Hand-Held Blender for Mixing Thick Water Dye
https://geni.us/blenderforthickwater (Amazon)

Dye Bottles
8 oz - https://geni.us/8ozbottles (Amazon)
Precision tip 4 oz -https://geni.us/finetipbottles (Amazon)

Bucket for Soaking Materials in Soda Ash (6 Count)
https://geni.us/buckets (Amazon)

Shoe Tray for Tie Dye
https://geni.us/shoetray (Amazon)

Baking Rack for Tie Dye
https://geni.us/bakingrack (Amazon)

Dharma Trading Company Website for Dyes I use

📷Camera Equipment, Gear & Lights I Use to Make Videos🎤

Camera - Canon Rebel T7 Kit
https://geni.us/rebelt7kit (Amazon)

Canon EOS M50 Camera
https://geni.us/canonM50 (Amazon)

https://geni.us/Tripods (Amazon)

LS Photography Kit
https://geni.us/lightingkits (Amazon)

Rode VideoMic Go Microphone - https://geni.us/mic1 (Amazon)
Boya Lapel Microphone - https://geni.us/mic2 (Amazon)
Rode Wireless Go Premium Pack Kit - https://geni.us/rodemickit (Amazon)

Overhead Table-Top Rig for Top Down Camera Shooting
https://geni.us/tabletoprig (Amazon)

Background Muticolor Lights
https://geni.us/backgroundlights (Amazon)

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission.

I am a huge fan of Amazon and many of my links to products/equipment I use are links to those products on Amazon. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and related sites.

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