Unvoiced / voiced 'th' is produced by placing the tip of the tongue between the top and bottom front teeth, or behind the top front teeth.
Bedanya, yang voiced 'th' itu ada getaran di tenggorokan, contohnya 'this'. Yang unvoiced 'th' tidak ada getaran di tenggorokan, contohnya 'think'.
Unvoiced 'th' bunyinya mirip dengan bunyi huruf 'tsa' di b. Arab, seperti dalam kata 'tsalatsa'.
Voiced 'th' bunyinya mirip dengan bunyi huruf 'dza', seperti dalam kata 'dzikr'.
Unvoiced 'th' words:
think, thin, three, month, earth, moth, thought, through, thumb, thirsty
Voiced 'th' words:
this, that, these, those, they, them, though, mother, whether, weather, leather
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