A closer look at the Stoned Virus on my XT machine

A closer look at the Stoned Virus on my XT machine

In this video w're going to take a closer look at the Stoned Virus that I found on my XT machine.

This video is sponsored by PCBway If you want your circuit board design realised and printed, You should check out https://www.pcbway.com/ Starting Prices as low as 5$ for a 1 or 2 layer design.

Surprised to see this listing in a local add online for over 10 days so decided to pick up this "little" computer.

0:00 - Introduction
0:36 - A word from our sponsor
01:14 - What is a virus ?
02:21 - What is the Stoned Virus ?
02:47 - How did the Stoned Virus spread ?
03:40 - Stoned Virus variants
04:37 - What is a bootsector virus ?
09:21 - Boot sectors
10:38 - How does it all start ?
11:40 - How does the Stoned Virus infect other floppies ?
14:11 - What happens if you have the Stoned Virus ?
15:16 - How do you know if you have the Stoned Virus ?
16:50 - Creating Patient Zero
21:01 - The source code
21:41 - Thank you

References :

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoned_(computer_virus)
- https://www.f-secure.com/v-descs/stoned.shtml
- https://computerarcheology.com/Virus/Stoned/
- http://teaching.idallen.com/dat2343/09f/notes/20MSDOSDiskStructure.htm

#virus #stoned #xt


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