CASE IN POINT - John Locke (DiamondHead Access Direct From John the RHINO)

CASE IN POINT - John Locke (DiamondHead Access Direct From John the RHINO)

This is how you legally murder all animals or beastiality commiting flesh entities being sold as puppies or water puppies or Dogs, along with how to make all organically certified Non-GMO Foods that are known as Hybrid or genetically modified New created foods, Fruits and or vegetables that have been created by Jim and the Microvission affiliated eyebrow supported companies and government offices that support this eyebrow chip because they have been supporting changing America and had they known John Locke was James Dean and the one with A Crystalized Diamond like Skull chest cage and skeleton then perhaps they would not of believed the false reasons for presenting a dangerous, as dangerous as dropping a single not allowable Dinosaur that reproduce too fast to regulate and once mature this Dinosaur kills 1 in 3 BO's that it sees every time it sees the three BO natural 30 frame rate showing 1 of the BO's that doesn't allow the government to run illegal training tactics on him.


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