Faculty Fireside Chat: Understanding the Acceleration of Socioeconomic Inequality

Faculty Fireside Chat: Understanding the Acceleration of Socioeconomic Inequality

This was a "fireside chat" style conversation between Raghuram Rajan, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, and CID Expert Dani Rodrik, Economist and Harvard Kennedy School Professor. This event was hosted virtually on Friday, November 19, 2021, cosponsored by Harvard's Center for International Development and the student-led Harvard Kennedy School India Caucus.

About the talk:
There's an overwhelming recognition of growing wealth, income, and consumption inequality across the world. The COVID pandemic accelerated this trend. As countries gasped for breath, quite literally, big corporations in developing countries became bigger. Profit margins rose while wealth and income inequality widened. The inequality challenge has now translated into the societal sphere. The reliance on technology is growing across the developing world for government and non-government services. The speakers discuss financial inclusion, changing political landscapes and effects on economic policy, and the current situation for developing countries and emerging markets due to the pandemic, and more.


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