How to use a condom (the proper method)

How to use a condom (the proper method)

When used correctly, condoms are very effective. Studies have found that about one in 50 women using condoms perfectly over a year will experience pregnancy. Even if you’re having sex that doesn’t involve a penis, covering toys with condoms prevents the spread of STIs.

It is recommended to protect yourself and your partner by using condoms during penis-vagina sex, oral sex, or anal sex. Even if you’re having sex that doesn’t involve a penis, covering the toys with condoms is a good way to prevent the development of bacterial vaginosis (BV) or transmission of STIs.

There are two main types of condoms: external (male) condoms, and internal (female) condoms. The most popular and accessible type of condom is the male (external) condom, which is placed on an erect penis just before sex. Although not as well known, female condoms also exist. They are placed inside the vagina, and are different from the dental dam (a barrier placed over the vulva for oral sex).

If a condom is uncomfortable, there are different sizes and types of condoms that can offer a better fit. Using the correct size is important, as condoms that are too small or tight may be more likely to break, and condoms that are too big may be more likely to slip off.

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