I am not immune to myths #shorts

I am not immune to myths #shorts

Originally posted: 01/04/2021
We all need our #myths .


As a secular person, I sometimes momentarily believe that I am not beholden to myths. Myths are made up stories that religious people use to cope, but nope. Myths are made up stories that human people use to cope. And we should be fucking happy we have them.

I'll tell you why. First, what's a myth? A myth is an interpretation of things and events that make sense of a situation within a limited scope. It doesn't make sense when you step out of it and look at the universe at large, but within a sphere, it allows for meaning and feelings and decision making.

Here's a perfect example that almost everyone has experienced, romance. When you are in the throes of romantic love, your partner is the most glorious specimen of humankind, but is that true? No, but also yes. If you stepped out of the myth of your love, you would know they were literally not the best, but why would you do that? There's no point. Believing that non-literal truth is part of what makes life worth living. And there are so many other myths that we rely on for fulfillment, like the myth of personal responsibility, but that's for another video. Come along if you want.

#stories #religion #secular #nonreligious #absurdism #existentialism #optimisticnihilism #philosophytiktok #atheism #love #cc


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