Hello students! In this lesson, we're going to find out if you are "posh" or not based on your pronunciation of a single word - "often".
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------[0:00] Introduction
------[0:51] Should We Pronounce the ‘t’ in “Often”?
Some people do pronounce a ‘t’ in “soften” and “often”, however, this is non-standard in British English. "Oft" is an old-fashioned word for "often".
-----[2:11] History of the Word “Often”
-----[2:16] Reign of Queen Elizabeth I
The reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558 - 1603) was when modern English emerged, and it is a recognisable English that we still speak today.
-----[3:25] The First Dictionary
Another influence on the pronunciation of the word “often” was the creation of the first English dictionary in 1755. Made entirely by one person - Samuel Johnson.
-----[5:05] Present Day
The reign of Queen Elizabeth II runs from 1952 to the present day. The Queen pronounces the word “often” as “orphan”.
-----[7:02] Similar Errors In Pronunciation
About 50% of people will pronounce "soften" and "often" with ’t’ and about 50% without. Whichever pronunciation you choose, it doesn't matter. It's entirely down to personal preference. In contrast, this video does include examples of words that should never be pronounced with a ‘t’ in them.
-----[9:57] Recap Learning
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