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Title of the Video: The Force Is Strong With This Teemo | NA GM Ipav999 #Shorts
๐ This is a fan site. I am Luliac on Twitch. I used to stream and may stream again. I like Teemo and watching various Teemo players. I am not Ipav999. I have received permission from Ipav999 to use his VODs for this Teemo School channel. He knows about this channel. Check out his Twitch and YouTube and let him know you came from Teemo School. ๐
๐ฑโ๐ Ipav999's Links To Teemo Builds and Runes and Social Website: ๐ฑโ๐
Boomer Google doc: https://tinyurl.com/vvve4u27
Book Website: https://teemo-book.github.io/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ipav999
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ivanpavlovteemo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ipav999
@Ivan Pavlov
๐ซ Teemo School Social Websites: ๐ซ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeemoSchool
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teemoschool/
Twitch: https://https://www.twitch.tv/teemoschool
๐ Luliac's Social Websites: ๐
Discord: https://discord.gg/ZEzgP5N8mt
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/luliac
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNuq8Q4gt9FlKSq3PlZu_Mw
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Luliac
Malzahar School YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MalzahartBreaker
๐ฎ Playlists For Ipav999 and Teemo Content: ๐ฎ
โ๏ธ Today In Teemo School: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvmAVKhor6NItf0DcH7xvOR-hEh9EFu7u
โ๏ธ Ipav999's Full Matches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EP4rWxvy-c&list=PLvmAVKhor6NIcEgiNovHaqqYYAcRabKg1
โ๏ธ Ipav999 Playing Other Champions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvmAVKhor6NJAEH9zRqacFN1rX_WWhTOP
โ๏ธ Ipav999's Short Clips: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvmAVKhor6NItdU5Sn32Edh-a5ESqOfSV
โ๏ธ Ipav999 Reviews League of Legends Items: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvmAVKhor6NJ9AbATn3k7uCJhKiaud8sQ
โ๏ธ Ipav999 Patch and Champion Previews or Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvmAVKhor6NLK-SxIoDfq6wisK6dX8SFE
โ๏ธ All Full Game Matches of all Teemo players in Patch 11.21: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvmAVKhor6NKRXk43cW5UhEV2nbJ5KHNp
โ๏ธ All Full Game Matches of All Teemo Players: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orb9_GeS9Hs&list=PLvmAVKhor6NJ9h7k6ItdEIdezzfTChNMo
โน๏ธ OP.GG Pertinent Information for Ipav999: โน๏ธ
Link to OP.GG: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=iPav
Link to OP.GG: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=iPav
SUMMONERS: Ignite/Flash.
RUNES: Precision/Resolve.
KDA: 14/7/5.
ACE of the MATCH
MATCH MMR: Master.
1. Starting Items: Doran's Ring & Health Potion 2x.
2. First Back: Bought Tier 1 Boots & Dagger.
3. Second Back: Bought Berserker's Greaves & Dagger.
4. Third Back: Bought Dagger & Health Potion.
5. Fourth Back: Bought Recurve Bow, Blasting Wand & Health Potion.
6. Fifth Back: Bought Refillable Pot, Control Ward & Farsight Alteration.
7. Sixth Back: Bought Amplifying Tome.
8. Seventh Back: Bought Nashor's Tooth, Ruby Crystal & Control Ward.
9. Eighth Back: Bought Leeching Leer, Control Ward & Oracle Lens.
10. Ninth Back: Bought Riftmaker.
11. Tenth Back: Bought Banshee's Veil.
12. Eleventh Back: Bought Stopwatch & Sold Refillable Pot.
13. Twelfth Back: Bought Zhonya's Hourglass.
14. Thirteenth Back: Bought Blighting Jewel, Elixir of Sorcery & Sold Doran's Ring.
15. Fourteenth Back: Bought Void Staff.
16. Fifteenth Back: Bought Sorcerer's Shoes & Sold Berserker's Greaves.
SKILL ORDER: E, Q, W, E 2x, R, E, W, E Max, W, R, W Max, Q 2x, R Max, Q Max.
1. Press The Attack.
2. Triumph
3. Legend: Alacrity.
4. Coup De Grace.
1. Bone Plating
2. Overgrowth.
1. Attack Speed..
2. Adaptive Force.
3. Health.
#Shorts #IvanPavlov #Teemo #TeemoSchool #Luliac #Ipav999 #Ipav #NorthAmerica #NA #Region #Challenger #Grandmaster #Master #GM #Patch1121 #Season11 #P1121 #S11 #LeagueOfLegends #LOL #TopLane #Top #Lane #Role #League #Legends #Elo #MMR #High #Best #Build #Builds #Rune #Runes #Learn #Teach #Help #Climb #Rank #Ranked #Game #Match #Solo #Queue #Duo #Short #Clips #ShortClip #ShortClips #Video #Videos #Synapse
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