![{The MOST VITAL SCALE to learn on GUITAR} [E minor Pentatonic]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/559NCz4XKho/hqdefault.jpg)
Email intuitionmusicgroup@gmail.com to join in with Musician's Journey Online Live Group Sessions! Many topics included; Scales, Rhythm, Chords, Music, Artist focus, Technique, Gear, Recording, Theory and much more!
00:00 Intro
00:16 [1st Position Ascending] E minor Pentatonic Scale
1:01 Explanation of E minor Pentatonic [1st Position]
2:18 [1st Position Descending] E minor Pentatonic Scale
2:56 Explanation of Approaches to Scales [Positional, Linear, Diagonal]
3:46 [Diagonal Ascending] E minor Pentatonic Scale
4:40 Explanation of Fretting Fingers in Diagonal
5:10 [Diagonal Ascending & Descending @ 70BPM] E minor Pentatonic Scale
5:22 Explanation of finding notes
5:57 Explanation of Mystery Melodies
6:19 [Mystery Melody 1]
6:27 [Mystery Melody 1 Reveal]
6:35 [Mystery Melody 2]
6:41 [Mystery Melody 2 Reveal]
6:50 [Mystery Melody 3]
6:58 [Mystery Melody 3 Reveal]
7:07 [Mystery Melody 4]
7:17 [Mystery Melody 4 Reveal]
7:24 [Free Sheet Music] [Musician's Journey Groups]
FREE PDF [TAB & Sheet Music Dark Screen and Printable on Google Drive]
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