Vicente Eduardo Ferrer Garcia, Jose Antonio Dominguez — Mixing programming languages

Vicente Eduardo Ferrer Garcia, Jose Antonio Dominguez — Mixing programming languages

Ближайшая конференция:
HolyJS 2021 Moscow — 2-5 ноября, онлайн.
Подробности и билеты:

. MetaCall Core is a Polyglot Runtime, which mixes multiple technologies and runtime environments like NodeJS, V8, TypeScript, CPython, CRuby, NetCore, and more (coming soon) like LLVM, WebAssembly, Java… But in this talk, we will be focusing on NodeJS side (which has first-class support), from the end-user point of view to the internals of the runtime and how this one interacts with others (including low-level details of the NodeJS threading model and N-API).


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