IF YOU ARE OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE OR ARE STRUGGLING TO MANAGE TYPE 2 DIABETES OR METABOLIC SYNDROME, if you have tried but not been successful or are thinking of using a KETO Low Carb diet to help you, if you are an expert at failing weight loss programs, this video may provide the tools necessary to be sustainably successful. We offer our CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTION PROGRAM together with the newly FDA approved SPATZ ADJUSTABLE INTRAGASTRIC BALLOON SYSTEM. As part of a POST APPROVAL STUDY we have been asked to enroll 60 patients in this study. Just like a smoker adding in Chantix as a tool to quit, the balloon accelerates the weight loss so that you can take care of addressing the behaviors. The cost to you is significantly reduced and the care is top notch. This is not covered by your health insurance. Be empowered! Call or text 561 517-0642 if you live anywhere along the South East Coast of the USA to see if this would be of value to you.

Research Discussed...
Intragastric Balloon Placement Induces Significant Metabolic and Histologic Improvement in Patients With Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis.
Bazerbachi F, Vargas EJ, Rizk M, Maselli DB, Mounajjed T, Venkatesh SK, Watt KD, Port JD, Basu R, Acosta A, Hanouneh I, Gara N, Shah M, Mundi M, Clark M, Grothe K, Storm AC, Levy MJ, Abu Dayyeh BK.Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Jan;19(1):146-154.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2020.04.068. Epub 2020 Apr 30.

Randomized Prospective Clinical Study of Spatz3 Adjustable Intragastric Balloon Treatment with a Control Group: a Large-Scale Brazilian Experiment.
Fittipaldi-Fernandez RJ, Zotarelli-Filho IJ, Diestel CF, Klein MRST, de Santana MF, de Lima JHF, Bastos FSS, Dos Santos NT.Obes Surg. 2021 Feb;31(2):787-796. doi: 10.1007/s11695-020-05014-0. Epub 2020 Oct 1.

One-year adjustable intragastric balloons: do they offer more than two consecutive nonadjustable 6-month balloons? A response to Genco et al.
Brooks J.Obes Surg. 2013 Dec;23(12):2104-5. doi: 10.1007/s11695-013-1014-z.

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Websites: https://www.obesityunderstood.com https://www.weighlitepro.com

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ROBERT CYWES M.D., PhD is a clinically practicing doctor and surgeon in Florida and Idaho. The mission of our media content is educating the public about a CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTION approach to treating obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Understanding the importance of replacing carbs in your diet with REAL FOOD while simultaneously replacing carbs as a toxic, harmful response to emotional tension with a more effective diverse healthy set of emotion management tools for lifelong sustainability of mental and physical health, happiness and well-being. Converting people from toxic sugar burners to healthy fat (keto) burners while addressing the CAUSE of addiction to carbs from an emotion management perspective. Sometimes using obesity surgery and devices as tools along the way, and helping people who have had bariatric surgery stay healthy and not relapse

Set up a consultation if you are looking for more sustainable ways to treat obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cholesterol issues and thyroid disease. Even if you are doing great but need physician confirmation or if you are considering or struggling after Bariatric Surgery we can assist you getting back on track.TEXT, WHATSAPP or CALL to leave a message on our “batphone” +1 561 517-0642 from anywhere in the world. We do secure telehealth, Zoom and Whatsapp phone and video consults all over the world.

**DISCLAIMER: Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. This site and these videos exist to provide information and support about nutritional health and do not provide medical advice and should not be thought to provide medical advice. We can only give medical advice if you establish yourself as a registered patient and consult with us in our medical practice - JSAPA. We always recommend working with a team of knowledgeable and experienced practitioners, including a physician such as Dr Cywes and a certified nutrition specialist such as Jane Brown in our practice. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition. -------- #intragastricballoon #obesity #hearthealthy #weightloss #diabetes #keto #carnivore #carbaddiction


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