Merch: Supathankful Series by House Of Otelo
Guests :
(PAYA) Professional Association Of Young Africans Executive Board Members.
Olamide Kayode - PAYA Chief Executive Officer
Chigozie Otum - PAYA Chief Programing Officer
Teniola Sulaiman - PAYA Chief Operating Officer
Purchase Your Honor's Ball Tickets Here:
IG : @payahouston
Topics :
Should a man be financially stable before he thinks about dating ?
Why do you think children of African parents tend to only follow the paths that their parents approve of? Why do they have such a hold on us? How do you think our generation finding success outside of these paths is influencing/affecting our parents?
What are the greatest challenges of dating as a millennial professional and does it feel like the bar is lowered for expectations in dating?
I can't believe my GF really thinks that I'm going to marry her. Soon as I get a decent job I am leaving and starting to date my type. I am not entitled to be with her forever just because she was with me when I was broke. We all have our preferences and that doesn't make me love her any less. things change, feelings change, its a vicious life cycle. The entitlement over people's life is the reason people resort to violent behavior.
A single woman earning $10,000 a month is most likely going to live a better life than a single man earning the same amount. Unlike men, most women don't go around spending money on men that don't care about them!
Why don't men post and show off their women? Women wanting to be posted has a lot to do with just wanting to be loved out loud and shown off but some men fail to understand that. it cost absolutely nothing to make your partner feel like you are proud to have them even if it is not "important" or "that deep" to you. You spend more time complaining and arguing than just doing it and making your partner happy.
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