"Workshop on Legal Research and Academic Writing."
In parallel with Thulawa Undergraduate Research Conference 2022.
1) Dr. Nishantha Sampath Punchihewa
Senior Lecturer, Department of Commercial Law,
Faculty of Law, University of Colombo; Member of
the Intellectual Property Advisory Commission of Sri
Lanka; Coordinator, MPhil/PhD Programme of the
Faculty of Law, University of Colombo.
2) Mr. Menaka Harankaha
Head/Department of Commercial Law
Co-Ordinator/LLM Programme(Former )
Visiting lecturer and Resource Person at Kotalawala Defense University /Open University
3) Professor Wasantha Seneviratne
Attorney-at-Law, Professor in Public and International Law,
Head, Department Public and International Law, Faculty of Law
Director, Centre for the Study of Human Rights
Course Coordinator, Masters in Human Rights, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Course Director, International Humanitarian Law, Master of Laws Programme, University of Colombo
Member of the Expert Committee on making a New Constitution
Team Leader and the Member of the Law Reforms Committee of the National Child Protection Authority
Member of the National Monitoring Committee of Child Rights
Member of the Former National Steering Committee on Police Reforms
4) Professor A. Sarwesvaran
LL.B (Hons) (University of Colombo)
M.A in International Peace Studies (UPEACE – UN Affiliated University) (Costa Rica)
M.Phil in Labour Law (University of Colombo)
Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka
Present Position: Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo
Taniya Kavindi
Thangarasha Nilaxshan
Methmuthu Abeywickrama
Organized by,
Thulawa Editorial Board
Faculty of Law
University of Colombo
"Keys of Moon - The Inspiration" is under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license.
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/hLND7eGPaOc
Legal Research | Academic Writing | How to write a Research Article
#thulawa #facultyoflaw #Universityofcolombo