Lets hit it again because this was a great metal detecting spot with old coins

Lets hit it again because this was a great metal detecting spot with old coins

The spot we call the coin factory is this old deserted colonial 1700s farm that we have been metal detecting this season. So far we have found more old copper coins here than anywhere else in NH. Around the old cellar hole we have been hitting it with the Fisher F19 metal detector and digging up a lot of really old coins .....like all from the 1700s ! We went back today and explored a bit more and detected around the old rock walls and the rest of this abandoned farm. This is how you find old places to metal detect and dig up old stuff buried in the ground.
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Lets hit it again because this was a great metal detecting spot with old coins

Not Thursday hiking exploring history metal detecting New Hampshire VlOG Fisher F19 metal detector

not thursdaynew hampshiremetal detecting

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