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🩸 Support The Channel
◾ Patreon https://www.patreon.com/taylorthefiend?fan_landing=true
◾ Locals: https://fiendgang.locals.com/support (Free supporter trial on me with code "Fiendish")
◾ Merch: https://my-store-11604547.creator-spring.com
◾ Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/thetaylorf
🩸 Contact
◾ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taylorthefiend/
◾ Email: mrfiend11@gmail.com (show submissions here)
►► FEATURED ARTWORKS: https://www.fiendgang.com/artworks
A special thank you to @TheGeckoNinja. He is responsible for my character artwork and the show wouldn't be what it is without him. Get your own character made by him, or check out his art here: https://bit.ly/3oWl0KQ
Please do not send hateful comments to the people reviewed in the show episodes, keep it to respectful disagreements if you disagree with their point of view. What I review is often only a small portion of their story, so be considerate. Feel free to support/subscribe to them if you like any of their content. If you a creator being reviewed and would like the video taken down, don't hesitate to reach out to me at mrfiend11@gmail.com and I will happily do that for you.
If you are a man who is struggling and lives inside the UK, a service available to you to call anytime (and also webchat) can be found here: https://www.thecalmzone.net
If you are a man who is struggling and lives inside the USA, some services that may help are the national s****e hotline: 800-273-8255 and crisis textline: text 741-741