Facebook - Meta Stock Valuation #FB | Upsides and Downsides, Potential Gains | Long Term Investing

#FB #Facebook #Meta #FBStock
This video is about the valuation of Facebook stock.
When we research about a company, and we like the fundamentals, that alone can't be a reason to buy the company or the stock. Valuation also matters. So we need to always run our numbers to make sure we like the valuation. We can't just buy anything at any price without the valuation DD. Nobody buys chicken for 1000$ per pound ( I hope!! ). we always check the price before buying anything to see if the valuation on that product makes scenes. it's the same for stocks.
So, in this video, I have shared my numbers for the valuation of this stock. If you are a beginner, you may also get an idea of how some people value stocks.
-This channel is all about investing, mostly focused on beginner content. so be sure to subscribe if you are new to the market or in general you like the content.
I'm not a financial advisor and also I'm not licensed to give financial advice. The ideas presented on this channel are for entertainment purposes only, and/or are solely my personal opinions. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make.
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