Million $$ Remodeling Contractor Secrets w/ John Huffman #leehaight #skydiamonds

Million $$ Remodeling Contractor Secrets w/ John Huffman #leehaight #skydiamonds

Contractors in all Trades run into the same problems in growth.

My guest today is a Remodeling Contractor who does high-end Interior Jobs .

Now a Multi Million contractor but Huffman started pushing a broom.

He learned from the ground up, all the trades that coordinate to make a quality interior remodel.

And has run into every snag and pitfall with both homeowners and employees along the way .

Over the years he's learned the most unorthodox way to close and set up your customers for a smooth job.

His approach is often times counterintuitive to a "sales" process.

Thats why he lands million dollar home remodeling project with south Floridas elite homeowners.

John trains at my home gym, Evolution MMA and over the past months has transformed his body .

And has become a serious competitor in the world of Mixed Martial Arts .

Once again we see the similarity of these two words, Contracting and Fighting .

There are many health, confidence and defensive/offensive benefits to Martial Arts.

But Combat Sports prepare us physically and mentally for the fight we all face .

During this podcast we talk about finding balance between enjoying your life and growing your business.

Drop some comments below and Let me know what you think .

Learn from five of the best Skydiamonds Elite Contractors on how they doubled, tripled, quadrupled their business.
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