Democrats Could End Up Winning BIG In Senate Races

Democrats Could End Up Winning BIG In Senate Races

In Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Georgia, Democrats are polling ahead of where the "experts" predicted they would be in their Senate races. John Fetterman, Tim Ryan, and Raphael Warnock are all leading their Republican opponents, with Fetterman and Ryan in positions to possibly win back seats that were previously held by Republicans. If these trends continue, not only could Democrats retain the Senate, but they could increase their numbers and make people like Manchin and Sinema irrelevant. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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Those of you who regularly watch ring of fire know that I do not like to be optimistic. It's not that I hate being optimistic. It's that just that typically optimism in American politics is rewarded with disappointment, but I gotta tell you looking at poll numbers of Senate races across the country, it would appear at least right now that Democrats stand a pretty good chance of not only retaining power in the Senate, but possibly picking up a couple of Republican controlled seats. Here's what the polling data is telling us right now, Tim Ryan in Ohio against JD Vance, Tim Ryan's winning, depending on which poll you're looking at, he could be winning by five points. He could be winning by three points, but multiple different polls show him in the lead. The last time JD Vance was in the lead was in mid may. So here we are, you know, middle of July now, and Ryan's lead continues to get bigger. Now 5 38 of course still says, it's a likely Republican seat. They predicting JD Vance to win. But what's weird about that is that actually ignores the polling trends, which is what 5 38 is supposed to be based off of. So I'm not sure what they're going off of here other than the fact that it is of course, a seat that was held by a Republican, but the Democrat is prevailing right now.

Their neighbor over in, uh, Pennsylvania, John Federman at the moment appears to be wiping the floor with Dr. Oz. Dr. Oz has already had to go through a campaign rebrand trying to scrub any and all references to Donald Trump and their campaign material, including their website and Twitter. But Betterman's up by nine points. And the guy hasn't even been campaigning. He's been recouping. He's been attacking the hell out of him on social media, which of course is doing very well. But Federman last poll is up by nine points. Nine points. Some polls of course do show him only up by six points, but that's still not good for Dr. Oz. And again, that's a seat that was controlled by a Republican, just like Ohio. Those two Republicans of course are retiring. So these could be seats that Democrats pick up increasing their majority from 50 to 52. But all of that hinges of course, on another race where the Democrats currently can, uh, hold the seat, but could lose it to a Republican. But right now that's not looking like it's gonna happen because that's down in the great state of Georgia where Rafael Warnock, who, of course it has emerged. There's, you know, possibly some campaign finance issues there, but he is still polling way ahead of his Republican counterpart Herschel Walker, who is just scandal after scandal, after scandal. His own campaign came

Out recently. And of course on the condition of anonymity, but his advisors said that they think he's mentally unfit to serve, okay. That that's not gonna play well with voters. When the O when your own people working for you, advising your campaign are out there saying like, yeah, this guy's nuts. I mean, Warnock needs to be using that in every single ad that he runs between now and the election. So Warnock's ahead. Betterman's ahead. Ryan is ahead if those three seats hold, and of course all the other ones hold as well. Democrats could be looking at a 52 seat majority in the Senate at a time when everybody's expecting Democrats to suffer massive losses in the midterms, they could actually gain seats in the Senate.

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