I spoke with Robbie Barwick from the Australian Citizen's Party, the man accused of aggressively harassing a human rights activist in a display that was apparently so appalling that it needed to be censored.
Military industrial complex and US State Department funded think tank ASPI and their cheerleading journalist at SBS News (Tom Canetti) slipped up and showed everyone exactly who they are in a far more blatant and obvious way than usual.
Australian Citizen's Party YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/c/CitizensPartyAU
Australian Citizens Party Website: https://citizensparty.org.au/
Jaq James report destroying ASPI's forced labour claims (report 1): http://www.cowestpro.co/papers.html
Raytheon (an ASPI Sponsor) CEO talking about tensions in the South China Sea region representing a profit potential for shareholders: https://mobile.twitter.com/DanielDumbrill/status/1558351809818742785