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*** Membership to JOIN the channel with exclusive perks are now active, see my channel main page @ https://www.youtube.com/user/Skymatix1 ***
Sim Details:
X Plane 11,55r2 (OpenGL)
xEnviro 1.16
Zibo mod v3.54.11f (Non-public)
Change log:
- fixed load situation if flight plan is not filled
- corrected TOGA - roll mode select
- rename option "Takeoff - HDG SEL" to "TOGA - ROLL MODE": WING LVL / HDG SEL
- corrected RTE page
- lateral offset - calculate start offset wpt from abeam wpt when Lateral Start wpt is not selected
- real SAVE route feature on RTE page
- prepare for REVERSE feature on RTE page
Flight Plan:
Skymatix VA Flight # 5259
(SAZS) San Carlos De Bariloche to Comodoro Rivadavia (SAVC
SAZS - https://axscenery.com/sazs-2-0-bariloche-argentina/
SAVC - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/41823-savc-comodoro-rivadavia-airport/
Chat Commands:
!connect - My personal contact details
!donate - My donations link
!discord - Zibo Pilot / Skymatix Discord
!pc - My PC specifications
!stream - More details on my streams
!va - Join our Skymatix VA via this link
!zibodonate - Zibo's personal donation link
!zibodownload - The download link for the mod
*** If you find my work valuable and would like to support it ***
Donation shown on the stream
Anonymous donations https://www.paypal.me/skymatix
SuperChat is also available :)
Donate directly to Zibo (Lubos - Zibo, the person himself):
My private hangar, you might want to check it out ;)
Important Links:
My Twitch Live stream ~ https://www.twitch.tv/skymatix
My Facebook Page: https://fb.me/Skymatix
The Zibo Pilot's group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/zibopilots/
Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ps6gKTJ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Skymattix
YouTube Gaming Page: https://tinyurl.com/y7fchumq
Get your own Zibo mod here: https://tinyurl.com/yxvc4n8a
Stream Music, Copyright Notice: Stream
Music provided by https://www.epidemicsound.com, music used:
Through the eye of the needle - Josef Falkenskold
Look and See - Max Anson
Other side of the hedge - Francis Wells