So, which is it to be: rise/run or angle derivative?
The video shows you exactly how Newton and Leibniz affected the development of calculus negatively. There is so much that can be done with the approach I reveal to the world. Unfortunately, it will be decades before the morons of mainstream mathematics academia even get close to realising this knowledge which I refuse to share with the world. However, I have given you sufficient details to work these things out if you are dedicated.
Any function that is SMOOTH over a given interval will always have a derivative function (expressed in terms of angle rather than rise/run) whose range will lie between -π/2 and π/2.
A function f is said to be smooth over the interval (p,q), if and only if, no more than one tangent line can be constructed at every point in (p,q) with the exception of inflection points where no tangent line is possible.
A tangent line is a line that meets a non-linear curve in one point (point of tangency), extends to both sides of the point of tangency and NEVER crosses the curve at the point of tangency.
You can run the applet used in a browser or otherwise download Geogebra and run it as a stand-alone application:
Read about my historic geometric theorem and how it proves that the mainstream formulation of calculus is a galactic fraud:
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