Welcome to Curlfessions where we invite Curlfriends to share their stories about their curly hair.
What was your most embarrassing picture day memory growing up?
Stacey Hash ( IG: @staceyhashh)
Christina (a.k.a Poofy) Moffitino ( IG: @itspoofy)
Stephanie Ballena ( IG: @stephanieballena )
Tina Noelle ( IG: @tinanoelle_)
Kandace Hurdle ( IG: kandacejoele)
Director: Serena Powell
Producer: Jade Avalos
Executive Producer: Ava Pearl
Editor: Julianna Zinchenko
Production Coordinator: Eden Tesfai
Camera Operator: Gary George
Camera Operator: Charles Samuel
Camera Operator: Alyssa Ayon
Camera Operator: Denzel Lee
Gaffer: Gary George
Key Grip: Gary George
Sound Mixer: Alfonso Cano
Assistant Editor: Lauren Mayer
Follow #CurlyCulture:
Instagram: @curlycultureco
Twitter: @curlycultureco
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