Mexico turns into an ocean! Flash floods, Hurricane Karl & Julia hits Acapulco

Mexico turns into an ocean! Flash floods, Hurricane Karl & Julia hits Acapulco

Mexico turns into an ocean! Flash floods, Hurricane Karl & Julia hits Acapulco

Yesterday's heavy rains in Acapulco, Guerrero, caused flooding, including parts of the Costera in Miguel Alemán, which dragged cars and motorbikes, leaving one person dead. A woman who was reported missing after being swept away by rain was found dead this morning in the Simón Bolívar neighborhood, reports the state's Secretary of Civil Protection, Roberto Arroyo Matus. At some points the water almost covered the cars in the area. In light of heavy rains caused by tropical cyclones "Karl" and typhoons "Julia", the state government announced the suspension of classes at all levels of education in Costa Chica, Costa Grande and the upper Sierra. More rain is expected in this Guerrero region in the next few hours. According to information from El Sol de Acapulco, vehicles were stranded on the stretch from Papagayo Park to Glorieta de la Diana, at Costera Miguel Alemán.
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