Missed it? The experience will remain available in Times Square and Piccadilly Circus, along with the table top version, via the Gorillaz Presents app into 2023…
This video was made with augmented reality.
Download the app and listen to Skinny Ape https://gorill.az/skinnyape
Pre-order Cracker Island https://gorill.az/crackerisland
Follow Gorillaz:
The immersive performance was powered by the ARCore Geospatial API. Learn more about the technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udoSz_UBUdc
Directed by Jamie Hewlett & Fx Goby
Created by Nexus Studios, in collaboration with Google, Eleven Management & Parlophone Records
This experience was developed with Google.
SVP, Labs: Clay Bavor
VP Product, Labs: Suveer Kothari
Product Manager, Developer & Content, XR: Stevan Silva
Product Manager, Developer & Content, XR: Jenny Sun
Group Product Manager, Developer & Content, XR: Eric Lai
Global Head of Creative Innovation, Labs BD, Matthieu Kim Lorrain
Global Head of Content, Labs BD : Neil Parris
Strategic Partnerships Development Manager, Labs BD: Joe Giancristofaro
Developer Relations Lead, ARCore: Dereck Bridié
Production Lead, Immersive Partnerships, Labs BD: Patrick Raimondi
Engineering Manager: Peter Tan
Software Engineer: Ellie Li
Engineering Lead: Seung Woo Shin
Product Manager, Google Maps: Bilawal Sidhu
UX Designer: Jessie Sun
Sr. Staff UX Designer: Steve Toh
Brand Activation Lead, Android: Brendon Holder
Global PR Lead, Labs: Patrick Seybold
Group Product Marketing Manager, Labs: Chad Lancaster
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Labs: Stacey Han Williams
Product Marketing Manager, Labs: Bradford Lee
Developer Relations Program Manager, Labs: Natalie Dao
Program Managers, Labs: Deepika Nadha & Michelle Huynh
Commercial Counsel: Kenny Chiu
Product Counsel: Chelsea Handler
Marketing Legal Counsel: Oba Adewunmi
Production Company: Nexus Studios
Director: Fx Goby
Head of Immersive: Pablo Colapinto
Executive Creative Director: Alex Jenkins
Executive Producers: Charlotte Bavasso & Chris O'Reilly, Sarah Arruda
Immersive Producer: Kim Nicholls
Promo Assets/Music Video Producer: Teo Smolander
Director Of Photography: Jeff Holman
Technical Director: David Crawford
Technical Lead: Matt Parker
Developer: Eugen Axenoi
Tech Artists: Alex Lovett, Victor Vdovenco, Thomas Pasieka, Stefan Goodchild
Animation Programming: Shrey Malhotra
QA Lead: Mihaela Stanciu
QA Testers: Brian Chung, Chris Lawrence, Annan Sang
Technical Consultant: Koki Ibukuro, Matt Murton
UX/UI Designer: Xyn Xu
Animation Producers: Belinda Isaacs, Jo Bierton
Animation Production Manager: Edith Chappey
Animation Production Coordinator: Tyler Antin
CG Lead: Nico Domerego
Promo Assets CG Lead: Jeff Newton
Storyboard Artist: Graeme Howard
Concept Designer: Callum Strachan
Generalists: Eder de Souza, Lucas de Miguel
Promo Assets Generalist: Fabien Glasse
Modeller: Andrew Hickinbottom
Lead Rigger: Niko Rossi
Rigger: Nayla Nassar
Lead Animator: Alex Toufaili
Animators: Shadid Omar, Clément Fassler, Tom Lowe, Rimelle Khayat
FX Animator: Bethany Levy
Compositors: Lisa Mandelli, Bethany Levy
Videographer: Jelani Paul
Editing: Dave Slade, Zaki Fulford, Andrea Zantiras
PR & Marketing: Valentina Tarelli, Nancy Edmondson, Steph Anjo
Resource Manager: Gigi Kohut
Resource Coordinator: Meg Dupont
Runner: Emmet Ward
Spatial Audio Sound Designer: JM Finch
Gorillaz are managed by Eleven Management
Directors: Niamh Byrne & Regine Moylett
General Manager: Astrid Ferguson
Lead Creative: Stars Redmond
Producer: Gaby Power
Producer: Amal Omari
Special thanks to
Parlophone Records UK
Warner Music USA
Sony ATV/Publishing UK
OUTFRONT and Ocean Media
RMP/Good Machine - Bridin Murphy Mitchell & Chris Cuff
Nasty Little Man - Steve Martin & Michele Hug
#skinnyape #gorillaz #crackerisland