A new report from the Senate has concluded that both the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are not adequately focused on the threat of domestic terrorism. This report comes at a time when hardcore right wing extremists are issuing death threats against elected officials and federal law enforcement officers, while also carrying out vicious attacks spurred on by the vitriol spewed from right wing media. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.marketwatch.com/story/senate-report-concludes-fbi-and-dhs-are-not-adequately-focused-on-domestic-extremists-01668821006
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Recently the United States Senate compiled a report that said that both the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are not doing enough to address the ever growing threat of homegrown domestic terrorists here in the United States. Now, this report came out about four or five days before that tragedy in Colorado Springs, which of course was a hate crime driven by a right wing domestic terrorist who had become radicalized due to the massive amount of misinformation and outright lies being fed to them by conservative media. The events of January 6th, domestic terrorism, the threats, the death threats against elected officials against election officials, domestic terrorism. And that is what these senators brought up. They've spoken to the directors of the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security and said, you aren't doing enough. Things are getting worse, not better. And that's by, by the way, your own admission, FBI director Christopher Ray, who testified in front of the Senate last year, telling them that domestic extremism was getting worse.
And they have done nothing, or not enough, I should say, according to this report, to deal with any of this. And of course, the report doesn't just say that the Department of Homeland Security, fbi, or sleeping on the job, they're also pointing out the role that social media plays in all of this. And once again, I can't help but think of what happened in Colorado Springs. We have conservative nut jobs on social media every single day telling us that the L G B T community is somehow sexualizing children. That they're the real predators out there that drag shows are, are, are corrupting our kids.
That constant barrage of attacks, radicalizes people who then go commit atrocities. The election lies from these mega fanatics across the country, have led to increased death threats to where, as I mentioned, at least one election official in Arizona has had to go into hiding, has gotten to go into basically protective custody because of the death threats from right wingers. The right is driving this. The social media outlets where they post are allowing this to be driven. The individuals responsible for radicalizing, these people must be held accountable. We know we're not gonna get 'em banned on Twitter anymore. Elon Musk has made that abundantly clear. He's allowed hate back on the platform. So the laws must be changed. Those who engage in the radicalization have to be held to the same account that those who issue the threats are. That's what I think needs to happen. If you want to stop this problem, if you want to stop the violence, if you wanna help prevent more mass shootings, you have to hold the people responsible who are spreading the
Lies. There's no way around it because if we don't do that, it'll happen again and again and again. We have seen far too many instances of this in recent years alone.
The agitators are
Still out there and the fbi, Homeland Security, they're not doing a thing about it.