Welcome to The Covenant Nation!
If this is your first time here, we say a very big “Thank You” to you for taking a step and making the decision to come worship with us today. Hope you were richly blessed!
At the Covenant Nation, we never walk alone and in a bid to get to know you more, we have a form specially designed for you. Please follow this link to fill it: https://www.insightsforliving.org/newtochurch
If you gave your life to Christ during the course of this service, we welcome you into the body of Christ. Please send your details to altarcall@thecovenantnation.org so someone can get in touch.
To cheerfully give whatever God has laid in your heart; offering, tithes, etc please visit: https://www.insightsforliving.org/giving
If you would like to download the Audio Mp3 version of this message, kindly visit our E-library page: https://elibrary.insightsforliving.org
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CovenantChristiancentre
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CovenantCCentre
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/covenantccentre
For enquiries send an email to: enquiries@covenantchristiancentre.org