When should Anyone Enter in the Stock Market...?

When should Anyone Enter in the Stock Market...?

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Stock Market is not a Place where you can enter and start making money from the First Day.

it's Not like Gambling either.
it's a Fine Quality Business where an Experience Holder and a Knowledgeable Businessman always makes money.

Only Those can make money in the Stock Market who knows what they are Buying and Why they are Selling.

It Requires the Years of Learning, you cannot Gain the Trading and Investment Knowledge overnight.

so, my Advice to all the New Entrants, Kindly Learn about Stock Markets before entering into it. otherwise you will end up in Huge Losses.

There are Many analysts , professional Traders, and Experience Holders on YouTube and Twitter, you can Learn many things from them. Give yourself enough time to learn first than Enter into it.

Start with Stock Market Basics (Equity & Futures and Options) and than learn Technical & Fundamental analysis nd than jump into the Trading.


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