Do you find yourself sometimes shrinking back or turning inward? Maybe you struggle to give others compliments or take things personally? The smallness you feel is not from God. Check out this message to see how we can abandon smallness and trust in a BIG & GENEROUS GOD!
🚨Next Steps🚨
1. Thank Jesus for giving us SHALOM
2. Reflect on smallness in your life that you need to abandon
3. Look at the reflection questions below👇
📔Reflection Questions
What would your life look like for God to bring “shalom” to your life right now?
What is something inside of you that is keeping you from living the life God has called you to?
Where in your life can you allow our big and generous God to grow bigger?
How can you be praying to expect great things from God and what is something you can do this week for God?
🌟Learn more at www.mybethlehemchurch.com
Thanks to bensound.com for the background music