Jonathan M.S. Pearce is a teacher from south Hampshire, UK, who has dedicated many years to studying all manner of things philosophical and theological. Having studied for a Masters in Philosophy from the University of Wales, TSD, he also holds a degree from the University of Leeds, and a PGCE from the University of St Mary's, Twickenham. As a founder member of the Tippling Philosophers, a friendly group of disparate believers and non-believers based in Hampshire, he is a big advocate of casual philosophy groups meeting over pints of good ale. He lives with his partner and wonders how she puts up with him. Pearce has completed a number of titles: Free Will?, The Little Book of Unholy Questions, The Nativity: A Critical Examination, The Problem with "God", 13 Reasons to Doubt and Beyond an Absence of Faith. He has also made many public speaking engagements, discussing philosophy, religion and skepticism.
His Channel can be found here:
http://www.youtube.com/user/johnnyp76?feature=mhee He
#jonathanmspearce #resurrection #acriticalexamination#Gnostic #GnosticInformant