agriculture land Paddy Field (நெல் வயல்) semiaquatic crops, most notably rice and taro It originates

agriculture land Paddy Field (நெல் வயல்) semiaquatic crops, most notably rice and taro It originates

agriculture land Paddy Field (நெல் வயல்) semiaquatic crops, most notably rice and taro It originates நெல் விதை முதல் அறுவடை வரை #தமிழ்நாட்டில்நெல்சாகுபடி முறை/#Paddycultivation system in Tamil Nadu

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#தமிழ் நாட்டின் விவசாய நிலை


channel name -news TN ELANGOVAN
# trending A paddy field is a flooded field of arable land used for growing semiaquatic crops, most notably rice and taro. It originates from the Neolithic rice-farming cultures of the Yangtze River basin in southern China, associated with pre-Austronesian and Hmong-Mien cultures. It was spread in prehistoric times by the expansion of Austronesian peoples to Island Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia including Northeastern India, Madagascar, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. The technology was also acquired by other cultures in mainland Asia for rice farming, spreading to East Asia, Mainland Southeast Asia, and South Asia.

Banaue Rice Terraces of Luzon, Philippines, carved into steep mountainsides

A paddy field with Matured Rice Paddy in Bangladesh

Paddy terraces in Kampung Naga, West Java, Indonesia

Taro fields in Hanalei Valley, Kaua'i, Hawaii

Paddy fields in Laos

Farmers planting rice in Cambodia

A paddy field in Binangonan, Rizal, Philippines.

Harvesting Paddy using Machines in Sri Lanka.

Paddy field after cutting paddy
Fields can be built into steep hillsides as terraces or adjacent to depressed or steeply sloped features such as rivers or marshes. They require a great deal of labor and materials to create and need large quantities of water for irrigation. Oxen and water buffalo, adapted for life in wetlands, are important working animals used extensively in paddy field farming.

Paddy field farming remains the dominant form of growing rice in modern times. It is practiced extensively in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Northeast India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam.[1] It has also been introduced elsewhere since the colonial era, notably in Northern Italy, the Camargue in France,[2] and in Spain, particularly in the Albufera de València wetlands in the Valencian Community, the Ebro Delta in Catalonia and the Guadalquivir wetlands in Andalusia, as well as along the eastern coast of Brazil, the Artibonite Valley in Haiti, and Sacramento Valley in California, among other places.


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