Western Australia police have released footage of Cleo Smith moments after she was found at a Carnarvon property. Det Sgt Cameron Blaine, who was one of four officers to raid the house, said the four-year-old was energetic and 'very trusting and open' with officers.
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Cleo Smith found: first pictures of smiling girl as Australian police detail moment of rescue ► https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/nov/03/cleo-smith-found-first-pictures-of-smiling-girl-as-australian-police-detail-moment-of-rescue?CMP=gdnaus_yt
‘My name is Cleo’: how an 18-day search ended with an Australian detective holding a four-year-old girl ► https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/nov/03/my-name-is-cleo-how-an-18-day-search-ended-with-an-australian-detective-holding-a-four-year-old-girl?CMP=gdnaus_yt
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