The Complete DUALITY DUNGEON GUIDE! Everything you need to know to beat this new Dungeon added to Destiny 2 in Season of the Haunted (Season 17).
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Time Stamps:
00:00 - How to Gain Access to the Dungeon
01:04 - Navigate the Mindscape Jumping Puzzle
03:20 - Nightmare of Gahlran First Encounter Guide
07:26 - Dive Deeper Jumping Puzzle
08:26 - "Find the Way" Statue Puzzle & Secret Chest
10:24 - Unlock the Vault Second Encounter Guide
14:50 - "Navigate the Vault" Jumping Puzzle
16:10 - Nightmare of Caiatl Final Dungeon Boss Guide
New #Destiny2 video, Showcasing the complete dungeon guide and walkthrough for the new Duality Dungeon just released during during Season of the Haunted aka Season 17 (year 5) of Destiny 2! The new Witch Queen DLC is here! It provides a new campaign, new weapons, new exotic quests, and so much more! We have the latest witch queen updates and news! Season of the Risen and a new secret exotic quest are live! As well as the witch queen and all of it's new content! But today We have the Duality Dungeon Guide! Every single encounter, every single jumping puzzle from the start to the new Dungeon Final Boss, we have it all here! Get the new Heartshadow Dungeon Exotic Sword!
#SeasonOftheHaunted #Destiny2News
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