🔴 WATCH LIVE: Day 24 - Johnny Depp & Amber Heard Trial: Closing Arguments Begin | E! News

Johnny Depp's legal team and Amber Heard's legal team both have 2 hours each to make their closing arguments.

After a U.S. judge rules to continue Johnny Depp's libel suit against ex-wife Amber Heard, Heard's legal team is presenting their case with forensic psychologist Dr. Dawn Hughes as the first witness and Amber set to take the stand in her defense this week. Depp is suing Heard for $50 million over an opt-ed she wrote in The Washington Post describing herself as a "public figure representing domestic abuse" and Johnny claims her article defamed him and cost him Pirates 6.

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🔴 WATCH LIVE: Day 25 - Johnny Depp & Amber Heard Trial: Amber Heard Continues to Testify | E! News


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