We remember the day, not even a year ago, when our friend Paul decided to trust our shitty channel to let the world know about the sound of a four-piece band of friends from a small town in Northern Iowa - making us fix our eyes for the first time, not only on a fascinating line-up like WHY BOTHER?, but also on a small, incestuous and talented DIY scene - which without finding an explanation as to how it came about, may have something to do with being located just a few miles from the cornfields where Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and "The Big Bopper" lost their lives just after midnight on February 3, 1959. WHY BOTHER? have a very personal and unique sound, halfway between 70's proto punk, KBD, and post-punk, without underestimating the use of the keyboard or any other oddity, of which this band is representative like no other.
No Bandcamps, no Soundcloud, IG, FB or any other social networks at all, just 3 fabulous EPs only shared on our YT channel, that we assure you have never caused us more feedback and have given us more work answering emails and private messages asking us for a way to contact WHY BOTHER? Finally, in a total record time, and thanks to Sam from Feel It Records, we will be rewarded with the debut album of this absolutely amazing band that we had the immense luck cross paths with. WHY BOTHER? make valid our only reason to exist, to spread the music we love all around the world. So, thanks Paul, we will always owe you one!
Pre-order album: https://whybotheriowa.bandcamp.com/album/a-year-of-mutations
A Year Of Mutations LP coming October 29 on Feel It Records
Pamela- Bass Guitar
Terry- Vocals/ Synth and lead guitar on "Dead Again"
00:00 01. Dead Again
02:15 02. The Drawback (Warsaw cover)
Dead Again lyrics:
"There's no one for me, no one for you. It won't matter what I say or do. I close my eyes, take my last breath. I just gave up, there's nothing left. Some will laugh and some will cry, what will you hear when you die? I pace around in this dark room, someone is knocking on the door. I think I gave up way too soon, don't make me suffer anymore. It was my fault, I'm to blame, it was my choice, why do I feel the shame? Please will you be my friend and tell me...am I dead again?"
Recorded at The Delaware Bomb Factory, 2021
Tremendo Garaje:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/tremendogaraje
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TremendoGaraje
Uploaded on behalf of the band and the label