Donald Trump said a lot of truly abhorrent things during his CPAC speech this past weekend, but his comments about climate change and the impacts it will have (and is having) on humanity have been overlooked by most. Trump made the completely false claim that all we're going to get from climate change is a little more seafront property, hinting that it might actually be a good thing, before he insulted people concerned about climate threats. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what happened.
Link - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-climate-cpac-seafront-properties-b2024214.html
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
So a lot has been made of what Donald Trump said during his CPAC speech this past weekend, of course, the praise of Putin, he is running for president again, he says the attacks on Joe Biden, the attacks on our allies. But there was another thing that might be more important than any of the other things he said and it was his attack on climate change. Something that this man roughly 10 years ago said was all a hoax being perpetrated by the Chinese. But Donald Trump falsely told the crowd at CPAC that the worst thing you're gonna get outta climate change is quote, it'll give you slightly more seafront property. So that's the real crisis, right? How do we sell all these beach houses to people once the sea level rises and there's more waterfront property?
Now let's, let's examine, let's examine that claim for a moment. First of all, no, that is not the only horrible thing that would come with climate change. We know all the bad things that come with climate change. Talked about 'em a hundred times. I don't have to talk about 'em here. So let's talk about what, what he's saying. Okay. Let's assume, right, the United States is this, okay. So sea level rises and it encroaches and this starts to get a little smaller. So we lose land mass, which is something yes, that would happen with climate change. Now you tell me, which has more coastlines, this or this? Hmm. It's, it's the smaller one. So even in his, even in his downplaying of climate change, he's still factually wrong about what would happen. The amount of seafront property we have would actually decrease because the water would be coming inland erasing areas of the coastline.
And if you already live on waterfront property, you're going to be underwater. Like we don't get more waterfront property. It, it takes a truly demented brain to think that that is what happens. We are already losing waterfront property. We're losing barrier islands down here in the Gulf of Mexico, where people live and have their homes and they have already become climate refugees in our own country. So, no, we don't end up with more seafront property. Plus who the hell would wanna buy it, knowing that we're just screwing the planet over and causing sea levels to rise even further? And I know people think that, oh, the ice caps melting, that's not gonna not gonna cause that much of a sea level rise. Um, first of all, it would, but it maybe not as much as you think. The other problem with climate change and this the part that people tend to overlook is that going back to your basic, like middle school science classes, what happens to water as it warms up, it expands, when it gets cooler, it shrinks.
So not only would we have more water through melting ice caps, we would also have warmer water, which would cause the molecules to expand outward, to, you know, get further away from each other, which would also increase the sea level rise. So there's your basic little science lesson for today about climate change. But these comments are dangerous. They're dangerous because we're out of time. Okay. The clock is ticking. We, we've done nothing since we got that damning report in 2018 saying you got 12 years before the worst effects become permanent and we have done literally nothing. And if Trump were to get back in office in 2024, that's four more years of nothingness.